Suggestions / Bugs

Automated draft agreements

TTConnect automatically generates a draft agreement using a template provided by your Technology Transfer office and information collected from various sources:
  • Provider Scientist: The Provider Scientist starts the process of setting up a transfer agreement by entering information about the recipient, and what material and/or data will be transferred. This information is used to populate the respective fields in the transfer agreement.
  • Recipient Scientist: The Recipient Scientist enters information about his/her affiliation, and the planned use of the material and/or data. This information is used to populate the respective fields in the transfer agreement.
  • Provider Scientist Questionnaire: The Technology Transfer office of the provider institution can set up a questionnaire which the provider scientist needs to fill out. This questionnaire is fully customizable and can ask questions regarding the material and/or data to be transferred (e.g. is the material Biological Safety Level 2? Do the data contain human patient data?) Based on this information, additional, fully-customizable "add-on terms" can be automatically added to the transfer agreement.
This process can be fully automated, so that the provider Technology Transfer office does not need to handle the transfer agreement at all, and it can go directly to the recipient for signing. Once signed, the provider Technology Transfer office receives a copy of the fully-executed PDF.

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