Suggestions / Bugs

How to register

  1. Click on "Register" in the upper-right corner.
  2. All users who register on TTConnect must be associated to an institution. If someone from your institution has already registered on TTConnect, then your institution is already in our database and you simply need to find it. If you are the first person registering on TTConnect from your institution, you will need to enter some basic information about your institution.

    To search for your institution, start typing the name of your institution in the corresponding field (1). If the name of your institution appears in the drop-down list, you can select it and click on the "Select" button. In this case, skip to step #5 below. If the name of your institution does not appear in the drop-down list, then we do not have your institution in our database. In this case, click on "enter a new institution here" (2).
  3. Enter the required information for your institution (indicated with asterisks).

    In the "Institution name" field, please enter the full official name of your institution, plus additionally an abbreviation in parentheses if your institution has one. For instance, "Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (DKFZ)". This way, subsequent users registering from your institution will find it regardless of whether they start typing the full name or the abbreviation.
  4. Scroll down and continue entering all the required information. Then click on the Recaptcha (1) and on the "Submit" button (2). Your institution is now saved in our database.
  5. Now enter the required information about yourself.

    For your email address, make sure to use your institutional email address, NOT a gmail, AOL, or other email account. Some institutions restrict registrations on TTConnect to only email addresses belonging to their domain, so if you do not use an institutional email address, registration may not work. In that case, you will get an error message.
  6. Select and enter a password (1). The password must:
    • be 8 to 64 characters long
    • have at least one letter
    • have at least one number
    • have at least one of the following symbols: !@#$%^&

    If you represent the Technology Transfer office of your institution, and wish to be the "Institutional Account Holder" for your institution (this is the person who will administer all the users of the institution, select institutional settings, and set up template Transfer Agreements and workflows), then click on the corresponding checkbox (2). This checkbox only appears if your institution does not already have an Institutional Account on TTConnect.

    If you are the head of your lab, or the Principal Investigator of your lab, click on the corresponding checkbox (3).

    Read and accept the Terms & Conditions and Data Privacy Terms (4).

    Click on the Recaptcha (5) and finally on the "Submit" button (6).
  7. You should now receive an email with a link to verify that the email address that you entered while registering on TTConnect is correct. The email usually arrives within seconds. If you do not receive the email, please check your SPAM folder. Open the email and click on the link to validate your email.
  8. You should now receive a message that says "Registration Complete". You can login either by clicking on the login button (1) or the login link in the upper-right corner (2).

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