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How to modify and upload a template agreement

General Introduction

Outbound workflows are intented for transfer agreements where your institution provides the initial text. Hence each outbound workflow needs a "template agreement" which contains the basic structure of the agreement, and the main definitions and terms. TTConnect will use this template agreement to generate a complete draft agreement for each material or data transfer, by filling out the necessary fields, adding additional terms (depending on the results of the scientist questionnaire) and adding annexes (depending on the results of the scientist questionnaire).
We describe here how to upload a template agreement to TTConnect.

Step-by-step instructions

This can be done by the Institutional Account Holder.
  1. Click on "Institution Dashboard" in the menu bar at the top, then on "Template Agreements, Terms & Annexes".
  2. Click on "Upload a Template Agreeement"
  3. The Template Agreement needs to be a (Word) .docx file with a particular format, which is described on this upload page. Best is to download the template provided by TTConnect, modify it, save it, and then upload it to TTConnect. To do so, click on the "template" link:
  4. Modify the template in Word or another text processor that can handle .docx files, and save it. Please be careful to follow the format instructions provided on the upload page.

  5. On the TTConnect upload page, give your modified template a name that you will later recognize, and select the appropriate file.
  6. Before uploading the file, it is worth testing whether the formatting of your template agreement works. To this end, click the "Test file format" button. This will start a file download.
  7. Open the file that downloaded using a text processor. The file should look like the template agreement that you modified, plus two additional terms (see screenshot below). If the two terms are added with the correct numbering, then everything is working. If you are having difficulties with setting up a template agreement, please email us at

  8. If the file looks good, click on "Submit / Upload" button to upload it to TTConnect.
  9. You will now see your template agreement file in "My Assets". You can now use this template agreement in your outbound workflows.

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